Level 2 is broken into 5 modules with short tests at the end of each module. By completing Level 2 you will gain an understanding of the following:

  • Seal Face Materials: how they have developed, how they are manufactured and a comparison of their properties, selecting the correct face combination
  • Elastomer Material: the different Material options, their properties and usage
  • Set screw materials
  • Seal face design; the difference between shrunk fit and monolithic faces, face rotation and drive mechanism design
  • Understanding hydraulic balance
  • Bellows seals design basics, methods of manufacture and the benefits of welded v rolled design
  • Difficulties when sealing hot water; Improving vapour / pressure margins, suitable API plans
  • Removing heat from dual seals; Seal Auxiliary Systems;
    • Principles of thermosyphon, installation and operation
    • Principles of Forced Circulation, installation and operation, Plan 54 and Plan 55
  • Understanding mechanical seal component failure and causes
  • Basics of Seal Failure Analysis

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