Contactez-nous pour des études de cas, une assistance technique, l'assistance d'un technico-commercial local ou toute autre question.

Si vous avez des questions concernant nos tarifs et nos délais. Avant de pouvoir vous fournir un devis, nous avons besoin d'informations de base (telles que la taille de l'arbre et les paramètres simples de l'application). Nos techniciens pourront alors recommander les produits les mieux adaptés à votre application.

Read the AESSEAL Engineering Ltd Group & Worldwide, Terms and Conditions of Sale*

Head Office Technical Support

During UK Office Hours

Phone +44 (0)1709 369966   Fax +44 (0)1709 720788

Telephone Support Statement

A Statement from Managing Director Chris Rea, about call waiting times in the UK.

Download the Statement
Questions about UK customer service operations

Useful Contacts

Support in all areas of environmental sealing, with telephone and on-site assistance, ensures AESSEAL® engineers are always available to help. Please visit the location pages to find contact information for your nearest geographical branch / time zones.

Additional cover can be reached via the following contacts.

In the event of a call not being answered, please leave a message and someone will return your call as soon as possible.

Cover Phone
UK (Out of hours emergency contact number) +44 (0)777-467-5419
USA +1-865-531-0192
International +44 (0)787-206-0462
Single Spring/Service and Repair Centre +44 (0)774-085-3925